Photoshop Collage

The first portion of the Photoshop module was to create a photo collage that describes myself. Adding several images from my time at Penn State, I was able to put together a fairly comprehensive mosaic of 36 memories.

My first attempt was admittedly bland. While guides helped to create a very clean image, it lacked a certain personality, and did not incorporate several of the skills covered over the course of the training.


Thinking of ways to take my collage to the next level, I decided to break the fourth wall, and insert myself into the act of creating the collage. Photographing myself from the back with my hands outstretched, I wanted to replicate the process of curation that went into choosing and ordering my photos.

By removing myself from the above photo, I combined this shot with two tiles from the collage in order to create the finished product below.


Though combining and blending the separate layers, I still feel that my image stands out slightly – which may be able to be remedied with some better lighting. Despite this fact, I was especially pleased with the feel of this, considering that there was nothing in my hands when I photographed myself.