Interactive Canvas Element

Using a Canvas Element, I was able to apply interactive HotSpots to a static image. In the following example, I outlined 11 common desktop items found in a stock image pulled from, and designated unique URLs that direct to their Amazon product pages.

As a fan of Amazon’s affiliate marketing platform, I find this approach to be particularly engaging vs. traditional image hyperlinking, as this process allows for multiple products to be featured in a single photograph. While designating HotSpots for certain shapes did prove challenging, I feel that the ability to bundle links provides an organic experience that promotes exploration for clickable elements within the image, especially when not explicitly mentioned.

Interactive elements include:
Apple iMac 27″ Desktop
Apple Cinema Thunderbolt Display 27″
Apple Magic Trackpad
Apple Magic Bluetooth Mouse
Black Moleskine Classic Hard Cover Pocket Notebook
Blue ecosystem Journal
Apple Magic Keyboard
Rustic Style Wood Succulent Planter
Red Nescafe Mug
Apple iPhone 7
Apple MacBook Pro