Creating a Photo Gallery

Though I am not one to identify with the title of photographer I do take a lot of pictures. Creating galleries to be viewed on my website is something that I always wanted to do, as it allows me to take ownership of my images outside of traditional social media channels.

The following gallery was created with photos takes over the course of the semester and the act of curating images that show my activities over this period in time was quite fun. Visually reflecting on these moments through adding tags was a wonderful exercise that reminded me of what Google is doing with Photos. This platform uses AI to categorize images and actually identify what is being uploaded.

Integrated with search functionality,  my tagging process was quite personal as I attempted to emphasize key elements related to how the photo was captured, as well as what words adequately describe the subject if I would like to leverage the same search functions within my own gallery. This information was used to create an interactive tag cloud which displays pictures related to that tag. Though this is a manual process, the practice of structuring data in order to provide a more fluid user experience when navigating large sets of images is quite fun, and I am looking forward to expanding on such functions in my future updates.

PROJECT: Choose a photo gallery, either one you created in the exercises or from another photo gallery plugin, and use what you know about jQuery and CSS to modify it and make it your own.